thinking of easter

what pops into your head when easter's around? for me it's spring.. the thoughts of florals and pastels everywhere you look,
and i don't just mean fashion.

at easter i think of chicks and eggs and a fresh breeze. the lush chick bath bomb? has anybody tried it? i'm intreagued.. it looks pretty cute :)

but this time i'v been distracted.. none of these wonderful thoughts have been popping into my head because it is jam packed
full of chocolate eggs!

i feel as though hotel chocolat have bombarded me with eggs promotion this year! post, email, leaflets the lot! but they do look seriously scrummy don't you think??

eton mess easter egg sandwich £7 each or 4 for £24

hope you enjoyed the chocolaty post! sorry if i'v made you hungry :P

happy easter!

♥ abby xx


  1. I love chocolate, Happy Easter to you !

  2. I am currently eating an easter egg as we speak. But looking at those great photos I feel hard done by. They look amazing & I have a crappy cadburys one. Now you have to buy me one to make me feel better ;)

  3. WOW they look so nice!! xx

  4. I am so ridiculously tempted by these haha! Instead I will settle for my Creme Egg Easter egg and my Lush Easter goodies that are on their way ;)

    xoxo Michelle

  5. Me and my flatmates organised an easter egg treasure hunt for each other so the last thing I need is more chocolate, but those eggs look way too good to not buy! x


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