my desired summer vibe

I've been shopping a lot for my trip to portugal recently as a don't have a lot of summery clothes. So because of this i've been looking across the internet for summery inspiration. These are the kinds of looks that I want to be able to pull off this summer! .. mainly in Portugal :)

left: I'll have a simple black and always flattering bikini
right: I'll be living in a bikini, cowboy hat and aviators like this girl on the republic bikini shop page

How gorgeous is this bikini of ashley tisdales?! i love it! if only i could wear bandeau bikini's :( oh & the aviators.. good choice :D

left: Jessica Stroup.. love her! And this floaty ensemble 
right: Jessica Stroup again.. how is it that she looks so gorgeous in the most simple outfits! I think it's about accessorizing your look well. Must do this!

left: simple.. legs out, lace frills and tan shoes. love it :) 
middle: i love the combination of light denim, white and tan. yum
right: i love white! all year round it's so pure, clean and fresh. it's my favourite colour to wear

left: so pretty, light and floaty. a lot of light colours will be worn this summer
middle: can anybody point me in the direction of a floral dress kinda like this one for around £20?
right: floral is a must. this photo makes me wish i was brunette

top left: simple white shirt over shorts mostly hiding them is a great look i think, almost looks like a dress but you are still covered!
top right: simple.. skinnys and a tank top, got plenty of those :)
bottom left: i love how shorts and these boots look together, feel as though i should invest in a pair
bottom right: matching the top with the boots but not making it too much of a heavy dark colour really works because of the shorts

left: love her or hate her i don't care.. just love the outfit to be honest :)
right: white tee, shorts and biker jacket will definitely be out this summer. i love this girls look. maybe not for portugal though

this floral bikini.. yumI and yes its another aviators and bikini shot. that'll be me! :D

Do you think i'll be able to pull off looks like this? if you've got any tips or different styles that you're going for this summer let me know, i'd love to hear about your summer style too

♥ abby xx


  1. They all look amazing :)
    Bring on the hot weather!


  2. great post! loved this :) x

  3. loving that floral bikini

  4. looooove the republic bikinniiiii! xxx

  5. Yess, love this post. Loving the cowboy hat/aviators combination xxx

  6. the floral bikini is lovely, and you'd look stunning in them all :) x

  7. All those pics make me want to go on holiday! Especially love the last floral bikini!

  8. hey =D
    i like the looks you chose ^^
    i'm from portugal hehe you said you're coming here on holiday? to which city?

    by the way i'm following you ^^
    if you want, follow and comment me too :D

  9. where is that floral bikini from? do you know if they still make it? i like your blog :)

  10. Wow how on earth did you find this really old blog post Ellissa? lol. Thanks a lot :) I have no clue where the bikini is from i'm sorry! I really wish I did though as it's gorgeous! x


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