autumn / winter wants: dresses

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you may see it as a little strange that i have a large collection of dresses that i want for the autumn winter season but this is because i love to layer them with toasty jackets and tights, leggings or chunky socks. i have already bought the crochet neck natural colour boohoo dress on the bottom row and the lace neck dress on the top row and am loving them!

what dresses have you got your eye on this season? if any..

autumn / winter wants is a collection of posts i'll be doing that will show you the styles and pieces i want for autumn / winter. these will include dresses, jackets, shoes and more so keep an eye out for future posts :)

♥ abby


  1. love the idea of these post! i'll definitely be checking back.
    Also i love winter dresses! i think im going to be having a few this year. I like the way you can mix up a girly floral with thick tights and boots and scarfs.
    Andddddd ive just added most of those dresses to my wish list!

  2. The first 2 dresses in the second row are so pretty x

  3. I love number 9, think I actually picked it up in the shop the other day. May have to get it!

  4. Okay so so far I have bought number 4 in black and number 11 on this wishlist :P Has anyone else gotten anywhere on their autumn/winter dresses wishlist? x


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