autumn / winter wants: bags, belts, hats & scarves

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I think half of these items aren't really suited towards winter, more so for autumn as they're what I want for the next couple of months. Obviously the hat and snoods are must needed added warmth that we'll need as the cold winter air appears, though I have already pulled out my snood &wooly hats a couple of times in august and september! The lace-up belt and saddle bag are in keeping with the english heritage trend that I loveee! More on that later. What are your autumn accessories essentials?

♥ abby


  1. I want one of the big furry hat things please :)

  2. Snood and satchel! I saw so many gorgeous scarves yesterday on my venture into town (: I'm planning to accessorise a lot and wear a niceee coat, as I can't afford lots of new clothes! xx

  3. May be a little late but i adore the new layout!

    i love the furry hat and the studded navy bag!


  4. i need a new bag and some new scarfs!! I also really want one of those hat lol, is that sad? xxxx

  5. I've given you an award on my blog x

  6. The boyfriend has since informed me that he actually owns the Zara furry hat and doesn't wear it.. so it's now mine! :D x

  7. Love the snoods! I'm sure I used to own one of those furry hats!

  8. @LadyBugSays Me too! And now I have one of those furry hats :):) x


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