notd: tip-ex?

barry m white & rimmel matte top coat

I thought this would look smooth, different and very unlike anyones nails in my city. I was thinking a few steps over nude would be pretty smart! But instead I have tip-ex nails.. Especially tip-ex looking because of how poorly painted they are (my bad!) I may try again but for now i'll be avoiding matte white nails.

Had any thing like this go wrong for you recently?

♥ abby


  1. i've alllwayysss wanted to try out white nails, but they only look good if you apply the nail varnish immaculately, which is pretty impossibleee!

    loving the layout by the way, very professional ;)

  2. I think you're right. When i do eventually retry this i'll be sure to make them immaculate. I also think a little shine to them would be better so no matte top coat..

    tarr :D xx


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