perfect autumn / winter bags

In the transition from spring/summer to autumn/winter we have seen the florals and pastels move swiftly out of trend and the buckles and fur swoop in. This is a low down of some of the types of bags that are in this season and a few (of what I deem affordable) favourites of mine. At least untill the likes of H&M, Miss Selfridge and Bershka release more and then no doubt i'll have new favourites!

Starting with Satchels. Satchels or Messenger bags often remind me of old postman or newspaper boy bags, especially those shaped like the topshop one below. Traditionally they have a flat bottom and a long strap that you'd either leave hanging or put across you body to the other shoulder. These 3 examples have the strap but the flat bottom is fading in the design of these bags. Do we need it though? I don't think so! Though the Zara bag does look fab in it's boxy state!

Saddle bags are traditionally quite firm and made of leather. The reason being when attached to the side of a horse they can be knocked around a bit by your feet and what not so you didn't want the contents to be ruined. The english heritage trend has bought bag the leather buckled and tooled saddle bags and generally they're the same shape as those below. These would all look great paired with some dark jeggings are lace up boots, carrying out the heritage look that I love so much.

Fur is popping up all over the place. I currently have my eye on the coats, bags and hats and have already got myself a nice chunky russian-esque hate courtesy of the boyfriend. You'll also notice with some of the next few bags that they are pouch or duffle shaped. This is a style that we're seeing increasingly this season, so a fur, shearling trim duffle bag would be right on trend.. right? ;)

We've seen and adore the shearling / sheepskin jackets. Aviator is in! Now i'm seeing sheepskin trim bags to match. I love how this has come about meaning that even without the legendary aviator jacket you can have these at your side with a normal bomber on it and still look the part. No doubt that's what i'll be doing.

These tapestry prints remind me of my nans old matching curtains and sofa, especially the miss selfridge bag. I get a very english vibe from these bags, I suppose it links back to the heritage trend and i'm sure they'd look great dangling beside some knee high lace up rider boots.

♥ abby


  1. Great post lovely! I have a little bit of a obsession with the satchel bags atm! Love the fur bags too...but not practical in the rain when they get soggy! xxx

  2. ahhh i love bags!!
    i have a post in my drafts that is really similar to this so if i post it i'll link your post in it too if thats okay? seems only fair :) xx

  3. Loved this post, was so nice to read! *nerd* I couldn't even tell you how many times I've wandered into River Island and tried that satchel on :p I really want another satchel and a little saddle bag after this post! ¬______¬" xx

  4. Ohh I love the faux fur and tapestry bags, amazing picks! x

  5. the zara city bag is my fav ! its stunning !

  6. love this post on the bags! they all gonna be so big this season!
    i really wish i could buy them all heeh


  7. Fabulous post huni!! Love it muchly :) You know me and bags...he he! Adore the ZARA 'City bag'. Soooo tempting! xx

  8. I love satchels, may have to add one to my fall wishlist! And thanks so much for the follow :)

  9. I'm such a bag girl! I saw that Next sheepskin holdall in the flesh yesterday and it's gorge :-)

  10. I gave you a blog award :D xxx

  11. You have made me want to go bag shopping now!

  12. Hey not sure if people still go on here but does anyone know where I can get one of the next black sheepskin holdall been looking for it for ages and can't get it. Thanks :) x


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