essential knits: snoods

Snoods have become one of the most loved knitwear items of the season. I for one love the convinience of slipping it over your head, there's no faffing around with the loose ends trying to make it hang right or making sure they're the right length and the scarf isn't too tight. Over your head and job done!

I love the cranberry and claret colours that are about at the moment which puts those 2 snoods from Matalan and River Island at the top of my wish list.

I'm not sure that I want to continue this 'essential knits' series. I have quite a few planned; jumper dresses, tights, oversized /chunky jumpers, hooded scarves, boyfriend cardigans and cropped jumpers. Is there any of those that you do or don't want to see? I plan on showing you all of my existing, most used and favourite knitwear too. They're pretty much all written but if it's uninteresting I won't bother :P

♥ abby xx


  1. I reaaally like the pom pom one =) .... my school have now banned scarves hats gloves and hoodies.... and can only wear a scarf if you have anote .... how lame is that?? shcool is getting so ridiculous .... xxx

  2. Love the burgundy bow snood :3 and the pom pom one as well! I quite want to see a hooded scarves post, I always mention that I want one and everyone at Uni thinks I'm being ridiculous ): xxx

  3. Snoods are sooo perfect for winter I love them! The cranberry one is such a gorgeous colour, however I've never seen it in the Matalan where I work! I'll be searching for it every shift from now on!

    L x
    Half Dressed

  4. I absolutely love snoods ever since I discovered them last Winter! I need a knitted one though; the one I wear for school is jersey material so it's not snuggly enough! I'd say I love the leopard knit and need the same one you've chosen! I'd like to see an "essential knit" post on tights and oversized/chunky jumpers! I love the way you set out the posts but it's dangerous; it's like internet shopping for me! xx

  5. I have so much love for snoods!

  6. Charlotte - That's school is getting ridiculous!! How on earth are you supposed to keep warm?!!! uhhh. xx

    Michelle - Yeah Shaun thinks i'm a little crazy for wanting one but i've found some really nice ones :) xx

    Half Dressed - I haven't actually visited a Matalan for so long! I hope you manage to find it! It's sparkly too I think :) x

    Jade - I know you love me helping your shopping habit :P Tights and chunky jumpers coming up! xx

    Alison - Here here :) x

  7. Ah I love my snood from Republic, grey, cost 13 quid, it's lovely, never take it off, need to get more colours as it doesn't go with everything xx

  8. Gem - Do it! I love the Republic snoods. So chunky and comfy :) xx


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