love & lust for Betsey Johnson jewellery

double finger snake - bull dog - crystal monkey - opening treasure chest - under the sea turtle
domed flower - vampire bat wing - diamonte skull with bow - wrap around lizard - diamonte skull with rose

dollhouse birdhouse - dollhouse white bear - jungle fever giraffe - crystal monkey - dollhouse cat - floral mannequin

If you saw my recent list of packages i'm awaiting the delivery of you, may have noticed that I have ordered a number of Betsey Johnson pieces. This being because I discovered her jewellery before Christmas and my intrigue has developed into an obsession. I find myself all too often scouring karmaloop, ebay, shopstyle and all sorts of websites for new designs, old designs and Betsey bargains! Almost all of my christmas money has gone on these beautiful pieces and I want so much more! I'm becoming an addict.. can you tell? So far I have ordered the jungle fever giraffe necklace and earrings as well as the crystal monkey necklace and ring. I'm desperate to get my hands on the giraffe ring! Alas I have run out of money for now.. but it will be mine! (cue evil laugh)

I think Betsey Johnson's designs are very different compared to other jewellery designers that are on the same sort of level, I find that others generally stick with contemporary simple pieces and if a little more elaborate the colours are more muted. I love how bright and fun these pieces are without looking like costume jewellery. the giraffes espcially. I adore the gems for eyes and ears along with the darkened gold for the horns. Everything is so well finished especially the recent dollhouse collection of which I have found myself lusting after soo many pieces! If I could have all of these items I would but that just isn't realistic at all. I would adore the chance to get hold of the standing cat ring and the birdhouse or white bear necklaces.

Have any of you heard of Betsey Johnson or am I now introducing you to her jewellery? What do you think? I'd love to know! (I hope it's not just me that she appeals to).

♥ abby


  1. I absolutely love Betsey Johnson, in particular I love her socks, and transfer tattoos...

    I wrote a post on her here:


  2. you can't deny that they are tacky yet i love them, especially the rings!xx

  3. I have a panda necklace and the French Bulldog ring, I love them :) x

  4. So fun! I always have to try on and rave over her jewelry when I go to the store... Love love love! Her pieces are always totally fun, creative, and cute!

  5. Eeeekkkkkk!! LOVE it all!! The skulls, the adorable monkey, the bulldog and especially the little pink deers!!
    Fab post hun xxx

  6. Woah, they all look so amazing!! My favourite is probably the giraffe ring, it's so cute and quirky :) xo

  7. I love Betsey, I have the Skull & bow ring, it's a beaut. x

  8. love the rings, so cute!!
    and really nice blog :)
    take a look and maybe follow me

  9. Thank you or all of your comments girls! It's great to see that there is a big existing love for Betsey's jewellery in this community :D So glad i'm not the only one!

    Also love that a few of you have items from her collections. Especially the bulldog ring Emma.. jealous! I can't wait to go in store when I hit london :D xx

  10. Ooooh, these are amazing. I love quirky jewellery like this (:

  11. I am SO excited about this post because not enough people in the UK know about Betsey, and as you know from our convos on Twitter I am a proper Betsey addict and have been for many moons now. You absolutely have to check out her store in London, you will fall in love. Definitely check out ebay, but do be warned that fakes lurk unfortunately. But anyway LOVED this post so much :D.


  12. Glad you like Betsey's jewellery Bee! :)

    Dreams that Glitter, I knew you'd like this post! :P I'm definitely going to check out the store when I go to london! Thank you so much for telling me about it :D I've definitely noticed the fakes hanging around on ebay but i'm pretty positive i've managed to avoid them. Sellers have promised and so if they're wrong they're in the shit ;) Glad you loved it! :D xx

    Thanks Hivennn x

  13. What amazing Jewels. I love the giraffes oh and btw love your layout too! Really making your mark in the blogging world. It stands out!

  14. Thank you ever so much Rainbowing! :) That's so lovely :):) xx

  15. Hi, I have given you an award on my blog

  16. Thank you chick!! :D xx

  17. Found your post while writing my own post about Betsey Johnson jewelry. I was excited to read that I was not the only addict! Ha ha!
    Thanks for sharing!
    ~ Trina


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