bloomin' brilliant brownies

This is a seriously belated post as since making these brownies almost 2 weeks ago I have made another batch and gone on a baking hiatus. Sorry for the delay. You may of seen me tweeting /bragging about how i'm an awesome brownie baker and i'm giving up my quest for the perfect cakes. Well this is that batch that convinced me of that, using the Jamie Oliver recipe that he so kindly lent to me ;) Along with some pictures of the process I have made the recipe into a printable format for you to easily save, print and use however you please! Simply click on the recipe card image to get the printable copy. It's a great recipe that can be changed so easily to suit your tingling tastebuds, for instance aero chocolate and white chocolate buttons a la Charlene of dainty dresses.

I hit 700+ followers yesterday which is just incredible. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has ever commented, followed, retweeted, linked back to me and so on. When I first started blogging I didn't know the first thing about followers or even that they existed as i'd always saved blogs in the favourites bar. So to gain this kind of following over the year and a half i've been blogging is baffling. Thank you again, every one of you, for following. Silly as it is, it makes me happy :)

I'd love to know if you found this post useful and you try this recipe. It really is brilliant, the perfect amount of gooey crumbly brownie mess ;)

♥ abby


  1. Ooh I'll have to try this! :) X

  2. actually having a delicigasm over these, why oh why did i give up chocolate for lent?!

    congratulations on reaching 700 :) x

  3. ooh, i wanna try these!

  4. Omnom! Abby, this recipe sounds so good, I hadn't thought about putting cherries in to brownies (: Totes making these when I go home for Easter and have a decent oven! Congrats on the followers lovely <3

    PS. I love that you've posted this when so many people have given up chocolate for lent aha ;) xxxxx

  5. ooh I want some!
    Congrats on the 700 followers btw xx

  6. Sorry Emma! Until posting this I didn't know anyone that had given up chocolate for lent.. My bad! Sorry. & thank you :) xx

    Susanne, Georgia.. let me know if you do! :):) xx

    Michelle, cherries in brownies are amaze! But just on their own these are gorgeous enough to be honest :) My bad about the lent thing.. :/ & thanks :) xxx

    Make some chick :P Thank you! xx

  7. I gave up takeaways for lent so I am all over this! I always think homemade brownies are the best. I always end up eating them while they are still warm and really gooey!

    Leanne. xx

  8. Haha Leanne that's perfect! and a good thing to give up I think. I don't have them in excess but I think you may of just given me an idea of what to give up.. I am trying to be healthier after all :) These are incredible warm. The last batch I made I cut straight from the oven and we each had a piece with custard. amazing! xx

  9. I will have to give this a try, not good for the love handles tho haha x

  10. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa!! SEND ME SOME! Whenever I try to make brownies, I fail BIG TIME! Want. Serious want! :D

    Feel free to enter my giveaway here btw:

  11. Totally bookmarking this so I can make some ;) I looooooooove brownies.

  12. These look so yummy, the best dessert I make is brownies too! x

  13. wow they look so good! congratulations on your followers, you deserve loads more <3

  14. Mmm they look so gooey and delicious! Thanks for sharing the receipe, will definitely give them a go after my exams x


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