i'm craving.. shorts

I have fallen in love with shorts. Like, head over heels I need so many pairs in my life right now, love. This however is a massive shame as i'm almost definite that most types do not suit my thighs.. -_- However I shall strive to get some more that do!

There are so many beautifully styled pictures of beautiful girls wearing beautiful shorts around at the moment. It kills me. and that's why this post is so picture heavy! It was a nightmare trying to pick my favourites so I and these are under half of those I have accumulated from tumblr, flickr and lookbook (p.s if you'd like me to credit you please let me know as i absolutely did not keep track. sorry!) Because of the masses of photos this is such an inspirational post for me on not only how to wear shorts but the legs I want to wear them with.. Blake Lively's and Erin Wasson's legs are unrealistic goals but we'll see ;)

After drooling over all of these i've done a lot of shopping for shorts..


Amongst buying paper bag, tweed, cord and floral shorts etc I have decided to take it upon myself to create shorts to my own specifications using old levi jeans and other such pairs bought from the likes of ebay and charity shops. For only a couple of pound they're perfect for those denim roughed up cut up cut offs. As I showed with my diy post last summer it is so easy to do! I'd just like some a little longer and in different shades. I get wait for my first £2.50 pair of black Levi's to arrive ;)

And so here comes my first fitness aim: I will tone up my thighs so that I feel comfortable in most types of shorts. Denim hotpants being the final destination. Any tips? Throw them my way please!

If you'd like to see more of these inspirational outfit /shorts photographs then pop on over to my tumblr as it is covered at the moment <3 You should also definitely visit this blog because Heather really knows how to rock her shorts!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

♥ abby
p.s exciting giveaway coming soooon. watch this space!


  1. your legs are bloody amazing (post below) you're so lucky to be able to rock shorts and love the idea of making your own from old jeans! xx

  2. I've seen girls at college wearing shorts now (even though it's still a bit too cold for shorts tbh) and am now DYING to buy a pair of haigh waisted ones! I've heard from a friend that Primark now have them in stock so fingers crossed!
    I've managed to save up roughly £60 and am going to get to the city as soon as possible when the Easter holidays start and buy lots of clothes for sping :P

  3. Haha thanks Laura! They are my main body hang up though, but i'm definitely getting more comfortable with them and walking more is really helping so it's all good :) It's so great and really easy. I've remembered this morning I was selling a pair of skinny jeans in a blog sale but because then didn't sell i'm just going to cut them up! They still fit so why not :D You should try it! xx

  4. Whimsical Wolf that sounds awesome! Imagine the amount of pairs you could get in primark for £60 ;) They have some amazing floral denim ones in at the moment too so check them out! Have fun :) xx

  5. Eep, I'm totally into shorts at the moment as well, can't stop reblogging outfits with shorts from Tumblr at the moment. I've spied a pair of paperbag waist shorts from H&M that I'm buying next week (: xx

  6. Ooh, I actually love nearly all the shorts you've featured.
    I too am very fond of shorts, and am so happy it's warmer and we can finally wear them without tights!

  7. Your legs are lovely! I definitely need some shorts, I want denim, high waisted ones xx

  8. omg, beautiful inspiration!
    get some leg out! ahaha!
    love all the shorts, they're amazing!
    Krissy xoxo

  9. I SO wish I was in shorts right now! Spring just isn't arriving, and it's driving me crazy! I'm so ready for some of these cute shorts!! LOVE your choices!

    chloe ** http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com

  10. this post is so inspiring ! love it !

  11. Haha same Michelle! I'm sure i've reblogged a few of yours ;) mmm i'd like some paperbag ones :) Must ask you about these! xx

    Raffles Bizarre, I'm glad you like them! Oh isn't it lovely to not have to wear them with tights! :) the summer is really coming! :D x

    Thank you Jemma :) Me too! Definitely craving some of those bad boys :D DIY ones though of course ;) xx

    Haha thanks Krissy!! xx

    Me too Chloe! Time to get the legs out! :D x

    Thank you Una :):) xx


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