there's too much in my bag

These photos were taken a few weekends ago now, when I went to the Bette Noir Vintage and Handmade fair so apologies for the delay. Along with a what's in my bag feature for you today is my bagologist reading. Basically I uploaded an image of the contents of my bag to the sudocrem facebook page and their resident psychic gave an in depth reading of my personality according to the contents and so here it is for your reading pleasure? Notice the first mistake.. I am far too poor to own a mulberry bag ;) But hey hoe I love my ebay find :)

"Hi there! Your Mulberry bag is a stunner - congratulations for owning such a 'must have' handbag! So what do the contents of your bag say about you? I can see you are a practical, pragmatic person who gets 'stuck in' and will roll up your sleeves at home, work or in the garden (and of course, with your paints!). You seem to be someone who is dependable and will want that from your friends and family. You are a positive 'glass half full' kind of gal which will serve you well when it comes to how you manage and approach your finances. Don't try to be a perfectionist however, balancing the books is good but don't fuss if your finances aren't quite as you want them yet! Balance is in fact another theme coming up from your bag. You like to be busy, and can be single minded and strong willed so make sure you know when to 'back down' (yuk!). You have a warm, friendly kind and generous spirit. I can see that both girlfriends and male friends will enjoy your company. From your bag's contents I can see that you are compassionate and loyal and dedicated especially to work that is practical be that painting, cooking or anything 'hands on'. Just make sure that you know how to turn the same level of compassion and understanding inwards, towards yourself. This means know how to 'give yourself a break'! I do see that you have a wonderful tendency to dream; to follow new pathways and to be opportunistic. Make sure that someone close by isn't jealous of you or your talents or lifestyle. Follow your dreams, and keep on track! I hope you enjoyed your bag reading -"

And there you go.. accurate in places I think you will agree. It's definitely an interesting way of doing things! So onto my bag contents..

bag: ebay
purse: fox racing via extreme pie
makeup bag: maxfactor false lashes, sigma contour brush, sigma powder brush, eyeko navy liner, boing, erase paste, hoola, georgia, rimmel smoke eyeliner, gosh velvet touch black eyekiner, elf lip prime and plump, mac innocence beware and lush honey trap lip balm
2 x hair bands 
2 x hair grips
coloured pencils
sketch pencil and rubber
fine paint brushes
sketch book
house keys
olbas tissue pack
beechams flu tablets
chewing gum
mcdonalds monopoly voucher
nail file
models own nail polish in purple ash
crown and glory purchases
betty boop compact
mostly eaten milk chocolate covered raisins
mcvities gold chocolate bar
bottle of water
small hairspray: boots
umbrella: primark
snood: h&m

♥ abby


  1. yum i really fancy some choc raisins now! :)
    i have always wanted to do one of these posts, but my bag is such a mess!

  2. I'm impressed you've managed to fit so much in that bag of yours!! I find all sorts of weird things in my bags.

  3. I' always being told I carry too much in my bag but i feel like I barely have naything it now - must fill it up straight away :)
    great post by the way!! x

  4. dinoprinesschar, me too :( damnnn. My bags normally a mess but this was pretty new at this point so i hadn't accumulated the bus tickets and receipts yet :P

    haha I hardly manage to shut it most of the time and my snood hangs out because i'm cool -_- i'm going to break it if I carry on this way :/ x

    Radiant.MakeUp, I do carry a little too much :/ scared of breaking my new precious bag. Maybe I should tone it down a bit! Thanks :) x

  5. Guess what i'm buying on payday ;) I love your bag xx

  6. wow you can get your bag analyised??!! i guess it does say a lot about you, prob why all bloggers love these posts!! def gonna check it out. Your back must be broken carrying all that stuff around lol, v jealous of you ebay steal :)


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