my must haves: opi polishes

Everyone should have some sort of OPI collection, no matter how big or small. In my opinion and experience they are great quality and long lasting! They also come in a stupid amount of gorgeous shades, all with unique names often related to the collection that they belong to, which I love. For instance, I have Ski Teal We Drop from the Swiss collection, which just so happens to be my favourite nail polish :) I love that there is so much choice and that they do sooo many shades.

These are my 3 most recent additions to my collection; Divine Swine, Pepes Purple Passion and Warm Fozzie which is from the Muppets Collection. There are so many more OPI shades I want but at around £10 a piece I can't bring myself to buy them all! I have 6 so far but this is the only downside to the brand in my opinion.. Same goes for China Glaze and Essie, great products and I love them lots but it's hard to love the price. Because of this I often find myself searching ebay for my must have shades, hoping to get them for around £5-£6! If this fails then I tend to resort to a similar Models Own shade if there is one but the choice is seriously limited in comparison, especially in my local boots stores.

I love OPI polishes and am sure i'll continue to spend hours hunting them down!

What do you think of OPI and how big is your collection? :)

♥ abby


  1. i love the look of divine swine! i have 5 OPI's, including a boring top coat, oh to have a muhassive collection! x

    1. That's getting there though! Just keep buying ;) x

  2. great colour choices!!

  3. Love these colours :)

  4. Divine Swine looks gorgeous, I love a good shimmer!

    1. Me too. It's hard to get a really good one! x

  5. Divine Swine looks beauutiful. I love OPI but I've only ever gotten them cheaply off eBay. £10 is waaay too much! Sometimes if you're lucky they have sets of three in TK Maxx for £10 though! x

    1. Yeah i'm the same. It's the best way to buy them really.. x

  6. Second one is amzing! Love the color :)xx

  7. The red one is my favourite! Love the glitter purple one too, but glitter nail polish is so annoying to take off, hahaha.

    x Michelle |

    1. haha yeah it's a bit of a pain. 2 layers of base coat work really well to help it though! :) x

  8. ahh these are gorgeous! I love my OPI varnishes, Ive had my favourite one for like 2 years now, wear it all the time and there's still loads left! :) xoxox

    1. Mine are like that as well! They just last forever don't they :) xo


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