my must haves: photoready

Revlon PhotoReady foundation in 004 nude has been my chosen foundation for the last 7-8 months or so now. I've been using the same jar for that entire time as I didn't use it every day to begin with but with the winter weather creeping in my need for coverage grew as my holiday tan faded :( I'm not one for a huge amount of coverage, the caked on look doesn't suit me one bit, plus i'm not keen on covering my natural freckles and things like that. Because of this i've tried a number of drugstore foundations rather than the more expensive range (i've never tried the mac, chanel etc foundations). I also used to use the Body Shop moisture foundation religiously a couple of years ago but grew sick of the smell and gradually stopped wearing foundation so much.

I really love PhotoReady! I love how light it is, how it's easy to apply, how this shade matches me perfectly and evens out my skin tone, that it's just enough coverage to hide my blemishes whilst keeping my freckles alive and weirdly enough I love how it photographs. The teeny tiny glitter flecks are a deal breaker for some people and although they're visible on my hand after applying it I can't see it on my face at all. I notice in my photos when using the flash and in natural daylight, the light reflects well and it gives me a dewy healthy finish without making my face look oily. If that isn't enough reasons for me to keep using this foundation then I don't know what is..

I'd love to know if you're as big a fan :)

♥ abby


  1. This sounds great, i've never really looked at this to be honest x

  2. I use this every day! I don't understand why people hate the glitter so much, it gives my face a much nicer finish. Glad i found another lover of it! haha xxx

    1. Exactly!! Glad it's not just me :P xx

  3. This is the one and only foundation I use! same shade too, I Loves it x

  4. never tried it - but sounds really great!

  5. I've heard so many positive reviews about this!
    Speaking of which, I'm in need of a new foundation asap!
    Krissy xoxo

    1. Ooo if you try it, let me know how you get on! :) xo

  6. I used photoready religiously from it's launch and only strayed to see what else is out there but it was amazing

    1. That's awesome! I used it pretty much from launch too. Well I had it.. but i didn't wear foundation much lol xx

  7. This is my favourite foundation, I don't understand how people can hate it. I think it's amazing for summer, as well as the lightest shade matches me perfectly. x

    1. No i know! But i guess everyone has different skin and needs etc. But meh.. I love it :) x

  8. Ooh sounds great really want to give it a go xx

    1. Let me know how you get on with it if you do! :) xx

  9. Really want to give this foundation a go, turning into such a foundation junkie at the moment, I'm trying loads.


    1. Haha nice! That's not such a bad thing though.. it means that you get to find the right one for you. Everyone's different and there's so much out there so why not! :) x


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