my must haves: sleek brow kit

I used to fill in my brows with the hazel Rimmel brow pencil, it was too light and quite a bit off colour - not the best choice of products out there really but it's not my worst beauty faux pas.. honest. After a few ridiculous photos were tagged on facebook I came to my senses, followed the mass of Sleek blog posts and haven't gone back since.

I have huge love for this sleek brow kit. The wax is a good waterproof texture that suits my brows nicely in the winter and the powder is slightly lighter meaning that it suits my sun lightened brows perfectly through the summer months. I've been using the same palette for a long time, longer than i'd like to admit, but the point is that I use it every single day and it's lasting forever and a day. Not bad for £8.50 :)

♥ abby


  1. The brow pencil you mentioned is luckily perfect for me - thank you auburn-ish genes! This kit does sound good though xx

    1. Ah that's great! I think that was the problem, my mousey-ness didn't seem to go with it xx

  2. I bought this a year ago and I am still using the same one! I have probably used only half of it and considering I use it everyday I think it's great value for money :) xx

    1. It's great isn't it! I've probably used about the same :) xx

  3. I recently bought the Rimmel brow pencil you mentioned but in a dark brown! Waaaaay too dark for me. Ha ha!
    The Sleek palette however, looks promising so I might give it a try. Who knew eyebrows could be so difficult to get right! :) xx

    1. It's great and comes in a range of browns so you're bound to get one that suits you right :) xx

  4. I'm thinking of trying this, I've been after a new brow kit recently :) And it looks really good!


    1. Let me know if you do :) I love it xx

  5. I've heard a lot about this kit too, think I may try it! I'm blonde and fair but my brows are naturally a bit darker, and most brow pencils for blondes that I've tried look too chalky and sandy on me! This is going on my wish list :)

    Samya Says.. - my fashion and beauty blog :)


    1. I'm the same, m brows are slightly darker but still a bit mousey. let me know if you try it out :) x

  6. I use the rimmel pencil and don't mind it but I've been looking everywhere for this for a few months and it's always out of stock!
    The Life of Emily-Alice

    1. Ah that kind of sucks :( Shows how desirable it is though :P x

  7. really tempted to get this kit. i have quite a big scar on my eyebrow which makes me look a little odd, i've learnt to embrace it though. i'd love to learn how to fill it in, but i'm worried it would look even more odd as i have quite thick dark brown eyebrows.


    my blog : bam bas bat

    1. I think that if you use the right product and apply the wax with short soft strokes then it won't look odd at all. Sleek do this kit in black so I don't see why it wouldn't work in your favour and look natural :) xx

  8. I use this every day, love it x x

  9. Pretty sure my friend uses this and her brows always look great. I have a fringe so I tend to forget about my brows as much. I should venture into the world of brows I think!

    1. There's always those windswept moments :P xx

  10. I need this so bad! Haha! My brows are ridiculous!

    1. Mine need a good reshape I think :/ Without this palette they look a little bit awful lol x

  11. Just what I need! I pencil my eyebrows every day! Feel bare without them on.. I get them threaded every few weeks but need to buy this as mine are so fair! Thanks for sharing. xxx

    1. No problem :) I hope it works as well for you as it does for me :) xx


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