the fire is so delightful

tis the season where we dec the halls and bring a tree indoors, get a fire going, light all of the candles and put tinsel on everything.

We spent christmas week visiting our families who all do things a little differently. From one fibre optic tree, to a real one, a disney covered faux and a 10 ft-r! All fantastic in their own way and each visit was different from the other - everyone has their own lovely traditions :)

This little selection of photos are of my house this christmas and yes the doggy stocking is for Milo.. Santa loves pets too you know :) My house is decorated with pieces inherited and given to both Shaun and I, my Southern Comfort mirror having a special place in my heart. We most recently added the crystal above the fire place (also inherited) and the wicker star, 'home' cushion and my much loved doormat are all courtesy of dotcomgiftshop. My 'home' cushion is now in the fab dotcomgiftshop sale along with lots of other lovely things.

It's sad that all of these pretty things have to come down in the next couple of days.

Wishing you all a very happy new year!

♥ abby


  1. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!!

  2. oooh love your tree :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year! xx

    1. Thank you Ellie :) It was fab! Will be popping lots of pictures up soon. Happy New Year to you too :) xx

  3. Nothing says Christmas like a roaring fire! x

    1. Absolutely! It's been lovely having it :) x

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you :) Happy New Year to you too xx

  5. i love your home :) happy new year xx

    1. Thank you Jessica :) Happy New Year to you xx


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