my must haves: mac innocence beware lipstick

If there was ever a lipstick to replace the infamous GOSH Darling, it's this one. Mac's Innocence Beware ♥ Though this lippie smells so much better and ha s10 times more staying power.

Innocence Beware was first introduced as part of the Venomous Villains collection which is perfect for a huge disney fan like myself. It then made another appearance in a new collection where I snapped up a replacement. For my lips this is the perfect soft nude, I love it. This photo was taken some time ago and i'm now running low on my back up! Fingers crossed it will appear again soon :)

♥ abby


  1. Ooh I haven't bought a nude lipstick in absolutely ages. This looks so lovely though, I think I had my eye on it when it was first promoted so will totes have to have a sneaky shop! xx

    1. It's really lovely :) Wearing it tonight in fact. I totally need it to be introduced again soon! xx

  2. I didn't realise it had been released in another collection after VV! It is such a pretty colour. Rachelle X

    1. It was I just can't remember which, maybe a natural one ? Fingers crossed it will be again :) x

  3. This colour looks gorgeous! OH, and I'm supposed to be being spend-thrift after having just checked my bank - d'oh!


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  7. gotta love a good nude mac lippy! xxx


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