my american must haves - help?

So i'm going to America super soon and I need to know what I cannot leave the country without trying or buying - or even doing!

I'll be skiing and shopping and what to experience as much as possible whilst I'm there. From the food to the culture I know it's going to be great, but what should I buy and try?

There are the obvious beauty products - Don't come back without a Cover Girl Mascara for one .. but what else? I need your help!

Pop your suggestions a comment below. I'll be doing a follow up blog post after my holiday with mentions to everyone and everything that I tried /did /bought etc so don't forget to leave your name and link or twitter :)


♥ abby


  1. Personally I love a good American supermarket shop for all their yummy food! Lucky Charms, ridiculously flavoured Pop Tarts, Junior Mints, huge tubs of Ben and Jerry's (also in crazy flavours), Jolly Ranchers, Sour Patch Kids, Peanut Butter and Jelly, I'm making myself hungry now! Ooh and all the yummy places to eat out - Cheesecake Factory, iHop etc. Going out for breakfast is the best in America! xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

    1. So many amazingly yummy thing to try!! :D Thank you Rosie. I'm going to look and see if they have one of those restaurants nearby now :) So excited! xx

  2. Definitely go to Target! I fell in love with Target, it's' especially good for finding a lot of drugstore makeup things that they don't have over here, also CVS for makeup related stuff and little snacks. Have fun! xx

  3. I agree with Rosie, I always go a bit mad on American treats, Mountain Dew, Lucky Charms, Cheetos and Pretzel M&Ms!

    Makeup wise, Covergirl is the obvious one, but if you're near a Walmart you could check out the Hard Candy stand, they have some fab eyeshadow palettes which I've been wanting to try for ages!

    Where in America are you going?? :D

  4. I second the recommendation to go to Target! Target has great clothes and sells a lot of different cosmetics brands, including ELF, which is incredibly inexpensive. Which part of the country are you going to? Every region's food is a little different. If you're going to a place that has some Mexican restaurants, definitely try one, the food is my favorite and it's not something you find a lot of in Europe :)

  5. I'm going to Florida in 4 weeks so I feel your excitement, I definitely recommend picking up a Tarte blush, china glaze polishes, lucky charms cereal, and pop tarts, I know I'll be picking up a tone of things too. Have a fab time :)

  6. EGGNOG, you MUST try eggnog!

  7. I am definitely recommending Physician formula blushers, the one with the little hearts on it is AMAZING! Vaseline spray on body moisturizer, the easiest way to moisturize your body :) and finally the Johnson & Johnson baby oil gel. Have a nice trip

  8. I hear loads of great thngs about tarte blushes and wet and wild eyeshadow palettes


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