what to get me for christmas : designer pieces i love

Christmas is coming, whether you like it or not. It's the middle of October, the weather is shoddy and getting colder by the day, the gloves are out and chunky snoods on, it must be the most wonderful time of the year soon. I'm getting it from all angles at the moment, everyone wants to know what I want for Christmas .. All I want to say is a hot bath and a bigger wardrobe/room for my clothes, alas these aren't realistic requests so I have decided to take to the interwebs! I'm going to create a few Christmas wishlists to send to my family (yes you, read this and take note!) so that they stop whinging and can get on with their crumbs shopping. Consider this a 'What to get a 23 year old girl/woman for Christmas' series, if you like :)

My first Christmas list is mostly based around style and fashion and all from one place. I can't help but drool over this store so it seemed the best place to start :) As you can tell, I really love rose gold, burgundy, grey and spikes at the moment. It's all about the clean lines and simple finishes for me. And quite appropriately so, this could all be worn as an outfit! Damn that would be good.

♥ abby


  1. Such a lovely list! I'm not excited for Christmas!

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. Heh, i'm getting there! :) Pinterest helps xx

  2. LOVE that maxi and that bag <3

    1. The bag! Don't get me started, I think it's my favourite :D xx

  3. can you not link to the products you are mentioning??

    1. Ofcourse, but they're all from the same site so I just linked to that instead :)


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