just giving ♥

So it's January 2014, I know, i'm just a little behind what with all of the festivities but this is the last christmas related blog post I promise!

I've seen a number of christmas gift posts going up so thought that I would hop on that bandwagon we all love. This year I have really enjoying thinking about and buying presents for my friends and family, so much so that I finished my shopping towards the beginning of december and was then recruited by my family to help them with theirs :) It's been a lovely month truth be told and I have been incredibly spoilt this Christmas. I feel very very lucky! I've received so many great things that I can't wait to use as well as some products I will of course have to blog about so if you see anything that you'd like to know more about then let me know and i'll pop it to the top of my to do list :)

I also finally have a checked shirt! And a new (more girly) beanie, a silver wolf necklace and a great looking barrel bag from warehouse but i'll pop those in outfit posts soon enough :)

I hope that you all had a fantastic new year!

♥ abby


  1. Lots of lovely presents, I've had my pair of Uggs for 5 years and they are still going strong, expensive but definitely worth it! :)

    1. Oh that's great to know! Thanks Claire :) I love them x

  2. You got such lovely gifts! I hope you had a good Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. Thank you Emily, I hope you did too :) x

  3. you got some lovley bits - lucky you x


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