my trollbead bracelet

I've had my Trollbead bracelet since my 21st birthday and yet I haven't really shown you guys properly so now that it's almost full I thought it would be a good time to show you the beads and talk about my favourites. I love the idea of this type of bracelet, my nan had an old silver charm bracelet which I now have and so I wanted something similar for myself that I could draw meaning and memories from. Family and friends have gifted me a number of beads relating to them, me and memories so it's a unique gift to give especially if you look at it in that way.

One of my recent additions is an adorable dragon bead that I found on I picked him out to represent my love for Game of Thrones, specifically Daenerys Targaryen and her three beasties. :)
This buddha is pretty important to me, not because I'm buddhist (I'm not) but my nan had a strong connection with buddha and a number of other similar things. I wanted this silver bead because it represents her, her strength and faith in things. This is my most treasured bead and I know that she'd love my little buddha if she had the chance to see him. :)
I have so many giraffes in my house it's quite mental really, I think I really liked them as a kid so I've just collected them from people. They are awesome animals and definitenly one of my favourites! This is the first bead Shaun bought me for my Trollbead bracelet which is quite cute because it is two giraffes intertwined. :)
heeled shoe
My best friend bought me this silver heel bead and yes I love shoes but to me this completely represents her. She is the shoe lady! With who knows how many pairs of heels and a fab shoe collection.
My mums favourite animal is a hippo so for mothers day or a birthday I bought her the hippo charm for her Pandora bracelet then the following birthday of mine she bought me the hippo Trollbead. There's a running theme of animals through my bracelet because my friends and family know how much I love them.
Another thing that my nan used to talk a lot about was how natural stones and crystals had different positive properties that you effect you. Goldstone is a beautiful bronze stone full of gorgeous glittery specks and is said to keep you grounded and give off positive energy, it also has something to do with my star sign, Leo. She definitely believed in a higher power or few and passed on a certain appreciation to me which is why I've wanted this bead for a long time. It's actually been discontinued so I think it was pretty hard to find but part of Shaun's family live over in Hong Kong and found a way to get hold of it so I'm very grateful for that. :)
The clear pink prism bead is the latest addition to my bracelet making it almost full. I also have lions, an elephant and an A initial along with some other glass beads that are a mix of brown, glittery, green striped and floral.
Every Trollbead bracelet is different and personal, it's your own little collection of pretty things and I love mine. :)
♥ abby
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