Missguided & Boohoo Sale Haul

Sales are too easy to pile into your cart and purchase, especially when it comes to Missguided and Boohoo, I find myself adding so many items to the basket and then having to sift through them for a more of a realistic spend. That being said, I did get a few things from both stores not too long ago so thought I'd share them in a haul.
The first five dresses are all from Missguided and were originally purchased with the intent of returning the two I wouldn't wear to my best friends engagement party. It turns out that I wore none of these dresses (I went for the chichi abigail instead) and yet I kept all of them. Work that one out.. :)

I then ordered four more dresses and a jumper from Boohoo, my biggest bargain being the black glitter maxi dress that was just £12.

I feel another order coming on from one of these stores especially as I'm craving white dresses and plain co-ords. :)
♥ abby
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