wedding planning: bridesmaids
So you're planning your wedding and the bridesmaids have already been picked, they know who they are and have a vague idea of the responsibility that has been thrust upon them. You have their dresses and then comes the next fun bit! Now you get to shop for all of their jewellery and accessories, confirm their hair and their makeup and plan your vision for how they will look on the day.
One of the next questions that you need to ask yourself is whether you want all of your bridesmaids to match or not. Say you've bought three bridesmaid dresses all the same, do you want them all to have matching earrings? Should they all have a bag? Or would you prefer your Maid of Honour or Chief Bridesmaid to stand out a bit more? If the best man is going to have a slightly different buttonhole, tie or waistcoat to differentiate him from the rest of the Ushers? Then why not have the same for your MOH. Think about a different necklace, earrings or shoes for your Maid of Honour, or even hair styled slightly differently to the other girls. Jewellery is a good way to do this because you can gift your right-hand-woman something special for the day.
Now think about your colour scheme and theme, not just for your bridal party but the venue as well. If your centre-pieces are blue orchids, try and give your bridesmaids something that means the theme is carried through and will also remind them of your special day - a blue gem stone necklace for example, or orchid stud earrings. If silver is your go-to metal featured throughout the day then have your bridesmaids jewellery reflect that.
When choosing shoes consider the surfaces your bridesmaids will be walking on. Are they used to walking in heels? And don't forget that unless you buy them a back up pair of flats to change into, they will be wearing these heels all day!
Nail varnish works as an accessory too. A good paint job, shellac or patterned vinyl can work alongside jewellery and other accessories to match elements of the bride, groom or colour scheme. Flowers and colours are the easiest things to reflect on nails so try giving your bridesmaids a glitzy version of a colour from your theme then choose another colour or pattern for your Maid of Honour to make them slightly different.
The hair style and hair accessories of your bridesmaids is likely to depend on the brides hair. The way that decision tends to go is if the brides hair is up then the bridesmaids is down and vice-versa. This ofcourse depends on the hair cut and style of your bridesmaids hair which could change right up until the day of the wedding so think simple and don't opt for an over-the-top style that relies on your girls having long wavy curls - just incase they chop it off or have an undercut put in two weeks before the big day! Hair accessories can be pretty diverse so pick something to suit your theme that could work in an length hair like a small comb, a floral crown or decorative bobby pins.
Thinking about makeup for your bridesmaids works in the same way as when thinking about their hair; it's unlikely you'll want them wearing anything over-the-top nor stand-out against your bridal makeup so what you choose for them will be reflected in what you end up choosing for yourself. Usually a similar base with a toned down eye works well.
Of course there are other things to think about with bridesmaids but where accessories are concerned this basic list should get you through the most of your bridesmaid style related decisions.

Now think about your colour scheme and theme, not just for your bridal party but the venue as well. If your centre-pieces are blue orchids, try and give your bridesmaids something that means the theme is carried through and will also remind them of your special day - a blue gem stone necklace for example, or orchid stud earrings. If silver is your go-to metal featured throughout the day then have your bridesmaids jewellery reflect that.
When choosing shoes consider the surfaces your bridesmaids will be walking on. Are they used to walking in heels? And don't forget that unless you buy them a back up pair of flats to change into, they will be wearing these heels all day!
Nail varnish works as an accessory too. A good paint job, shellac or patterned vinyl can work alongside jewellery and other accessories to match elements of the bride, groom or colour scheme. Flowers and colours are the easiest things to reflect on nails so try giving your bridesmaids a glitzy version of a colour from your theme then choose another colour or pattern for your Maid of Honour to make them slightly different.
The hair style and hair accessories of your bridesmaids is likely to depend on the brides hair. The way that decision tends to go is if the brides hair is up then the bridesmaids is down and vice-versa. This ofcourse depends on the hair cut and style of your bridesmaids hair which could change right up until the day of the wedding so think simple and don't opt for an over-the-top style that relies on your girls having long wavy curls - just incase they chop it off or have an undercut put in two weeks before the big day! Hair accessories can be pretty diverse so pick something to suit your theme that could work in an length hair like a small comb, a floral crown or decorative bobby pins.
Thinking about makeup for your bridesmaids works in the same way as when thinking about their hair; it's unlikely you'll want them wearing anything over-the-top nor stand-out against your bridal makeup so what you choose for them will be reflected in what you end up choosing for yourself. Usually a similar base with a toned down eye works well.
Of course there are other things to think about with bridesmaids but where accessories are concerned this basic list should get you through the most of your bridesmaid style related decisions.
♥ abby
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