marketing/ pr & stats
abbzzw is a regularly updated and growing style blog with a dedicated worldwide following of over 4100 people via several blog feed platforms and 40k+ reach across multiple social networks. abbzzw focuses on fashion, lifestyle and sometimes beauty so I'm happy to consider enquiries from all manner of businesses and brands, providing it suits the present tone of my blog.
subscription platforms
1456+ readers and followers via google
1042+ readers via bloglovin' and others
the social side of things
1737 twitter followers following : 560
35.1k+ monthly pinterest viewers / 850 followers
Rates are available upon request.
For ad space rates and marketing / pr enquiries please direct your emails to
subscription platforms
1456+ readers and followers via google
1042+ readers via bloglovin' and others
the social side of things
1737 twitter followers following : 560
35.1k+ monthly pinterest viewers / 850 followers
Rates are available upon request.
For ad space rates and marketing / pr enquiries please direct your emails to